I would like to inform you that I have departed as of July 2022 from TUSAF, Turkish Flour Industrialists’ Federation after 12 years as a Secretary General. As it has been well aware that Turkey has increased  its flour export every year and exported flour up to 166 countries. It continues to be the leader  in the world for the last 10 years when I was in charge and played a significant role due to market analysis and institutional capacity buildings in the TUSAF.

Even many bottlenecks, climate chance, pandemic and conflict in the Black Sea region and around the World, we have kept our pace keeping our production and trade volume high. During this period, even though management changes and high competitiveness among Turkish millers, I have worked very hard and played important role towards to be brand of TUSAF during the last decade in consolidating the sectors and promoted millers in the face of regulatory bodies in Turkey and abroad.

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all our TUSAF Board Members, Association Presidents and employees and industry stakeholders during my term of employment.
Now, given this background, since the end of 2019, I am still with the millers and line sectors acting Executive Secretary and Treasurer, IAOM Eurasia, based in İstanbul, Turkey, under the chairmanship of Dr.Eren Gunhan Ulusoy, CEO for Ulusoy and Söke Milling Companies and biggest miller in Turkey.

I also think that my roles and responsibilities turn out to be higher now in Eurasia Region where the conflict and war between Ukraine and Russia continue.  I hope that the optimistic mood that started with the grain corridor will continue and the continuation of the grain and milling industry in the world will continue without any problems especially for needed countries.

To help to reduce tension and pave the way for peace, we are happy to see and invite you among us at our IAOM Eurasia Conference and Exhibition, which will be held in Istanbul, Haliç Congress Center on 24-27 May 2023. All details about the Conference and Exhibition are available at www.aom-eurasia.info and vuralkural@iaom-eurasia.info and info@iaom-eurasia.info can be reached. Congress languages will be Turkish, English and Russian.