Distinguished IAOM Eurasia Conference and Exhibition Participants
With its 128-year history, International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) is the world’s largest non-profit organization in the field of grain milling which unites grain millers and trade representatives for the development of education and training opportunities in industry-related areas. IAOM with its 10 directorates in the USA and 4 more in other parts of the world offers an international forum for sharing ideas, technological and educational opportunities, discovery of new products and services and networking.
Eurasian Region of IAOM consists of 32 countries with more than 2 billion of population and a total of 7.1 trillion dollars economic magnitude. At the same time, world’s largest wheat producers and flour exporters are situated in this region. Russia which is one of the top 5 wheat producers in the world with the production of 71.6 million tons of wheat, alone represents 10% of the world’s and 30% of Eurasian region’s wheat production. Ukraine with 25 million tons, Kazakhstan with 16 million tons and Turkey with 19 million tons of wheat production are also among these 32 countries.
In this context, we have planned to facilitate the participation of millers from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic Countries, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey and other Central Asian Republics and Caucasus region countries where intense participation is expected. In addition, participations are expected from the USA, Middle East and Africa Regions. This conference and exhibition will bring together many sector stakeholders such as Grain, Flour, Pasta, Bulgur and Feed Producers and their suppliers and vendors such as Milling Machinery Suppliers, Laboratory Equipment Suppliers, Traders, Ingredients suppliers, Packaging Companies, Grain Storage Companies, Yiest Companies, Bakery Products Firms, Industrial Bread Bakers, Research Institutes and Colleges & Universities.
IAOM EURASIA Conference and Expo will be held on September 23-25, 2024 for post-harvest, coordinated with and hosted by Association of Grain Producers and Processors, Azerbaijan in Baku, Azerbaijan. Moreover, Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty, Türkiye, Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Turkish Grain Board (TMO), Agragarian Service Agency of Azerbqijan, Black Sea Flour Industrialists Association(KUSAD) and Black Sea Exporters Union(KİB) will participate as a partners.
We are honored and happy to see and invite you among us at our IAOM Eurasia Conference and Exhibition, which will be held in Azerbaijan, Marriott Boulevard Hotel, Baku on September 23-25 2024. All details about the Conference and Exhibition are available at www. iaom-eurasia.info can be reached. Congress languages will be Turkish, English and Russian.
Dr. Eren Günhan Ulusoy